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Holiday Helpers 2020

Holiday Helpers started as an individual project by a past student, Chevonae Murphy in 2012. The Guidance and Counselling Department was given the opportunity to supervise and subsequently manage it thereafter. The mission of the initiative is to supply the needy with food and other items so they could also enjoy the blessings of Christmas.


Over the past couple of years, Holiday Helpers has received national attention through the news media. The following are a few weblinks of previous activities captured and reported by journalists:



Considering the effects of COVID-19 on our students and their families, we seek to raise support in cash and kind, so we can put together meaningful care packages for families of Marymount students who need a little assistance to enjoy the blessings that come with the Christmas season. 


  • We will be accepting items (cash and canned food items) from December 7-14 at Marymount High School between 8:30am-3:00pm.

  • The outreach is scheduled for Wednesday, December 16.

  • Kindly email us through for further details.




























Acting Board Chairman of Marymount High School, Rev. R. Sommerville presenting package & a tablet.
Ms. Thompson (one of three GCs) & Mrs. Oliver, a member of the Guidance Committee sorting out items
Acting Board Chairman of Marymount High School, Rev. R. Sommerville presenting a package.
Two sample care packages awaiting more items
Acting Board Chairman of Marymount High School, Rev. R. Sommerville presenting package & a tablet.
A display of care packages.
Acting Principal of Marymount High School, Mrs. Renee Lawrence presenting a package.
Acting Principal of Marymount High School, Mrs. Renee Lawrence presenting a package.

Highlights of Holiday Helpers 2020

Teachers, students, and parents gave substantial contributions in cash and other items. ChaRob supermarket in Highgate contributed and sold items without profit for the project. Three teachers raised nine tablets ranging from 8-inch to 10-inches for the benefit of students. In addition to raising funds, Robyn Boyd, a past student contributed two 10-inch tablets (iPad and Samsung) to help with students in need of gadgets.


In all, there were fifteen recipients of care packages that were estimated at $4,500 each. Parents and guardians appreciated the effort the school made to assist them. The Guidance and Counselling Department hopes for an expansion of the project in the coming years.

© 2022 by Marymount High School

Cromwelland District, Highgate,

St. Mary, Jamaica



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